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Why Gauranteed Savings plans

Having a guaranteed savings plan in insurance can be beneficial for a few reasons:

Financial security: A guaranteed savings plan provides a secure way to save money for future needs or goals. It ensures that a portion of your premium is set aside and accumulated over time, building a savings fund that is guaranteed, regardless of market fluctuations or economic uncertainties. This can provide peace of mind and financial security.

Long-term goals: Whether you're saving for a down payment on a house, your children's education, or retirement, a guaranteed savings plan can help you reach those long-term goals. By regularly contributing to the plan, you can accumulate the necessary funds over time and benefit from the guaranteed returns provided by the insurance company.

Protection against unforeseen events: Insurance policies often come with coverage for various types of risks, such as disability, critical illness, or even death. In the unfortunate event of a covered loss, a guaranteed savings plan can provide a financial safety net to help mitigate the impact of the loss. It can provide a lump sum payout or regular income during difficult times, ensuring that your financial obligations and goals are not compromised.

Tax advantages: Some insurance policies that offer a guaranteed savings plan may come with tax benefits. Depending on your jurisdiction, the premiums paid towards such policies may be eligible for tax deductions, and the returns earned may be tax-free or tax-deferred. This can provide additional incentives to include a guaranteed savings plan in your insurance portfolio.

Discipline and forced savings: Having a designated savings plan within an insurance policy can foster discipline in saving money. By committing to regular premium payments, you are more likely to prioritize saving and resist the temptation to spend the funds elsewhere. This can help individuals develop a healthy saving habit and accumulate wealth over time.

Gauranteed Savings plans

  • Sanchay plus
  • sanchay Par Advantage
  • Fortune guarantee plus
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